Friday, April 5, 2013

Praying In Hard Times

Today I am deciding to touch on a new subject. This subject is sports, many people say that participating in sports does not help your growth in God. I am here today to tell everyone that it can. An athlete can grow closer to God if he gets injured and he wishes for a speedy recovery, he could pray to God for that. A great example of this was last week during the NCAA tournament game Duke vs. Louisville. The point guard for Louisville, Kevin Ware fell awkwardly on his leg and suffered a very gruesome injury. Arguably one of the worst in all of sports. Although this injury is a major setback in his athletic life, it's the opposite for his spiritual life. As well as his teammates spiritual life. During this time in recovery Kevin Ware has a unique opportunity to reflect on his life outside of basketball, also be able to inspire other people that suffer a major injury, but most importantly grow in his relationship with God. The main point that I am trying to get across is that people can learn about their faith in many different ways, it does not only have to be in a classroom or in the Church. It could be anywhere, and in this example it was in a gymnasium.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hello there. We appreciate the time and effort you put into visting our blog. It's always good to see young eager teens who love to learn about holiness. Have you ever wondered about the life of a monk? Well I know I have, and I am going to inform you of this information. A monk is a male who practices asceticism, which is a lifestyle characterized by the abstinence from worldly pleasures. They live a communal life in a secluded area away from urban activity. They live lives of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and they are 100% devoted to God. A monk's life is truly magnificent due to the sacrifices made on a daily basis. The first monk dates back to before Christ, they were hermits traveling in the wilderness seeking God and His goodness. Though we are lay people, we are expected to make sacrifices, but not necessarily to the extreme of a monk.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hello there. When one thinks about being holy they may think about a priest, deacon, bishop, etc., but taking on the calling to religious life is not the only way to be holy. Yes, it is extremely wonderful for people listen to God and follow their vocation, but that is only for certain people. Lay people can be holy in many other ways that show God their devotion to him. The ways for one to be holy are endless, but today I am going to talk about one specific way. This would be prayer. It is between God and yourself, no one else. Prayer is communion with God, and through prayer we actually experience a relationship with Him. The quality of our prayer determines the quality of our relationship with God. Prayer is listening to God. Prayer is enjoying the presence of God and truly coming closer to Him. It can take many forms, such as: praise, petition, thanksgiving, worship, and confession. Prayer is based on our belief in God, and if we walk in faith our prayers will be answered.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hello there. Do all things with love. Holiness and love go hand in hand. A holy person does everything with love, from the moment they wake up until the minute they go to sleep. If we do not have love, we have nothing. We may have a deep knowledge of scripture, a dynamic personality, a high IQ, a great job, etc., but if we lack true love in our relationship with the Lord and others, we have nothing. Love is our highest calling. Loving God over everything as Jesus loves us is extremely important. In my opinion, the more we grow in love, the holier we are.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Hello there. It's good to see you again. Today I am going to talk to you about charity. The word charity means generosity in giving something to those in need out of love and kindness towards them. I believe charity begins at home. A person who shows compassion towards the weak in society is generally found to help and make sacrifices for the poor. They do this only for the joy and satisfaction in giving alms to those less fortunate. People like this are who make the world a better place.