Friday, May 3, 2013


      The Papacy of the Catholic Church is extremely important. Papacy is the term used for the office and the authority of the Pope, the vicar of Christ. The pope has been handed down through apostolic succession from Peter. Peter was the first pope of the Catholic Church, each of the popes after him are successors of him, hence the name apostolic succession. The pope is infallible, meaning he is free from error when talking about faith and morals. This is because when the pope talks about faith and morals, God is with him and guiding him on what is true. If God is guiding him then everything he says is the truth because God is all knowing.
       Now I am going to talk about the role of the pope in the Catholic Church. The pope plays a tremendous role in the Church. He is the visible symbol of unity of assurance to the Catholic faithful that they are members of the on holy catholic and apostolic Church, founded by Christ. The pope is also the chief administrator of the Church. He appoints bishops and the cardinals, who will elect his successor. He is also the final arbiter of both administrative and doctrinal disputes.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Eucharist and Cannibalism Continued

There are also many other reasons that prove the consuming the Eucharist is not a form of cannibalism. The Eucharist contains the soul of Jesus. Cannibalism includes eating the flesh and organs of fallen victims, but receiving the Body of Christ is the eating of Jesus immortal soul united with his body and blood, which are inseparable in the Eucharist. The Eucharist contains the divinity of Jesus Christ. Jesus is true God and true Man. His divinity and humanity are inseparable. Therefore, when we take in his humanly aspects (flesh and blood), we are also taking his divine, Godly aspects. This is why we say "the Eucharist is the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ" in mass. The Eucharist consumes us. When eating normal foods, we take in the foods, and it becomes a part of us. When consuming the Eucharist, however, it consumes us. We become a part of it, in holy communion, and we are made part of the Mystical Body of Christ. Consuming the Eucharist is non-violent. Cannibalism is malicious and degrading, receiving the Eucharist is serene and reverent. No violence or hatred is portrayed in the Eucharist, therefore making it a beautiful doctrine.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Eucharist and Cannibalism

The most mysterious yet controversial doctrine in the Catholic Church would be if the Eucharist contains the real presence of Jesus Christ. The reason why it is so hard to believe is because non-Catholics think that even if Christ's body is contained in the Eucharist, they perceive that as cannibalism. The first accusation was from the Romans, and it has affected Catholics ever since. Though people have constantly fought this doctrine for ages, there are significant reasons that prove eating the Eucharist is not cannibalism. First, the Eucharist is life. Cannibals eat what is dead. There have been historic instances where cannibals have eaten the living and beating heart of a victim, but they were in the process of dying. The Eucharist is in no way doomed to die. In fact, it is living on forever. Just as Christ arose from the dead and lived in Heaven with God the Father, life remains in the Eucharist. Second, cannibals take only parts of their victims. The Eucharist is the whole body and blood of Jesus Christ, it is not just some parts. The Eucharist contains all of Jesus and his grace. This does not mean that receiving multiple hosts make you receive more bodies of Jesus Christ, nor does receiving less give you less of Jesus Christ. All of Christ is present in any amount of host. And third, the Eucharist is the glorified body of Jesus Christ, not just his original body. This means that the host is more in a spiritual sense rather than a physical sense, due to the spiritual dwelling with our Father in Heaven.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Marriage in the Catholic Church

A marriage in the Catholic Church is a sacrament, which means that it is a participation in the life of 
Christ. As such a sacramental marriage involves making promises and keeping one's word as Jesus did. 
What exactly does this mean? Does it mean that if I am not a churchgoer or if I am a sinner I can't get 
married in the Church? No; Jesus never turns anyone away. He invites each and every one of us to a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. The gospels are full of stories about Jesus 
seeking out sinners, treating them with compassion and mercy, and forgiving them. Jesus reveals our sins not to humiliate us, but to free us and to offer a way to true happiness. Some people rejected Jesus’ offer because they found his way too hard, but many accepted. When we decide to live under Jesus, it means that we are called to continual conversion, which often includes a change of lifestyle, attitude, and behavior. It also means learning to love and sacrifice like Jesus, which results in joy unsurpassable. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

All are Welcome

Today I am going to reflect on the article from moodle. This article reminded me about the Catholic mark of the Church. Catholiche list the certain groups of society. The author also says that all are welcome, but it takes sacrifice, and rules to join the Catholic Church. 

For example if a drug addict were to join the Church, the Church would welcome them with open arms. However, the Church wont overlook his addiction, so to become fully into the Mystical Body of Christ, he must seek help to help cure his addiction. 

I believe that this article was made to clear up that all are welcome into th open to all people, and it will not condone the actions of the people who disobey the commandments from God. e Church. I believe that the author did a good job on portraying that information. The author made it clear that the Church is

 means universal, meaning that everyone is welcome into the Church. When the author says that all are invited, he goes on t