Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Eucharist and Cannibalism Continued

There are also many other reasons that prove the consuming the Eucharist is not a form of cannibalism. The Eucharist contains the soul of Jesus. Cannibalism includes eating the flesh and organs of fallen victims, but receiving the Body of Christ is the eating of Jesus immortal soul united with his body and blood, which are inseparable in the Eucharist. The Eucharist contains the divinity of Jesus Christ. Jesus is true God and true Man. His divinity and humanity are inseparable. Therefore, when we take in his humanly aspects (flesh and blood), we are also taking his divine, Godly aspects. This is why we say "the Eucharist is the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ" in mass. The Eucharist consumes us. When eating normal foods, we take in the foods, and it becomes a part of us. When consuming the Eucharist, however, it consumes us. We become a part of it, in holy communion, and we are made part of the Mystical Body of Christ. Consuming the Eucharist is non-violent. Cannibalism is malicious and degrading, receiving the Eucharist is serene and reverent. No violence or hatred is portrayed in the Eucharist, therefore making it a beautiful doctrine.

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