Friday, May 3, 2013


      The Papacy of the Catholic Church is extremely important. Papacy is the term used for the office and the authority of the Pope, the vicar of Christ. The pope has been handed down through apostolic succession from Peter. Peter was the first pope of the Catholic Church, each of the popes after him are successors of him, hence the name apostolic succession. The pope is infallible, meaning he is free from error when talking about faith and morals. This is because when the pope talks about faith and morals, God is with him and guiding him on what is true. If God is guiding him then everything he says is the truth because God is all knowing.
       Now I am going to talk about the role of the pope in the Catholic Church. The pope plays a tremendous role in the Church. He is the visible symbol of unity of assurance to the Catholic faithful that they are members of the on holy catholic and apostolic Church, founded by Christ. The pope is also the chief administrator of the Church. He appoints bishops and the cardinals, who will elect his successor. He is also the final arbiter of both administrative and doctrinal disputes.

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