Thursday, March 28, 2013

Holy Thursday

Hello there. Today is Holy Thursday, the most profound and complex religious event besides the Easter Vigil. I go to Strake Jesuit and we had a mass today at 1:45. Usually we have mass in the mornings, so many people at school were confused why we would have it in the afternoon today. I am here to answer that question. We had mass in the evening today because Passover began at sundown, and the Catholic Church wants to imitate the exact timing of the day. It was a great mass, our priest, father Johnson washed the feet of 12 students during mass to signify the washing of the Apostle's feet by Jesus. I thought this was very interesting, and brought to my attention how humble Jesus was. As teenagers today many kids dont think much of  how they act because they might think its cool to make fun of someone, or bully etc. But today I just want all of the teenagers to think about what Jesus did. He washed the feet of his apostles. This is an extremely humble act of kindness because the son of God had the authority over all of them and could have made them wash his feet everyday. My main message for today to all the teenagers is to reflect on the washing of the feet, and try to incorporate this act of humbleness in your everyday life. Be sure to check our blog again soon for new posts. Thanks

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