Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon

Earlier today during the Boston Marathon, a bomb was set off right by the finish line and killed at least 2 people, and injured over 100. This bombing has affected many families, especially one of them. An 8 year old boy died by the explosion, and a man was about to propose to his fiancee right when she crossed the finish line, but she died by the explosion.

Many people will address this situation by asking How could God allow this to happen? or Why is there so much evil if a God exist? But, that is not the way young members of the Church should address this situation. Evil is in the world because God gives us all free will, God gives us the opportunity to either choose him or choose evil. Sadly, there are people that choose evil and separate themselves from God. As members of the Church all we can do is pray for them. We as teens can pray for the people that chose to separate themselves from God, and hope they change their mind, and become in communion with God and the church. Also, as citizens of the United States, it is also our duty to defend our country and to help each other in these times of need.

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