Wednesday, April 17, 2013


File:ChristianFlagEtc CovenantPresbyterianLongBeach20050213 CopyrightKaihsuTai.jpgToday I have decided to talk about Ecumenism. It is Greek for the "whole inhabited world."In class we have been talking about the Protestant Reformation and how the ecumenical councils countered the protestant beliefs, and helped the Church by creating truths. Ecumenism mainly refers to initiatives aimed at greater Christian unity or cooperation. It is the movement within Christianity that aims at the "recovery" in thought, in action, and in organization, of the true unity between the church's mission to the world. This was a huge part in the Church's history because it saved the Church from becoming a bunch of little denominations. Even though the Protestant Reformation caused many different denominations, the ecumenical councils saved the Church from becoming all small denominations. As young members of the Church it is very important to know the history of the Church because if there were no ecumenical councils, then there most likely wouldnt be a church to be a part of.

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