Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Who Can Receive Communion?

Today I will be talking about who can receive communion. First of all, Holy Eucharist is one of the Seven Sacraments. This sacrament is most important because this is the only Sacrament that we receive the very body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ himself. We are filled with an abundant amount of grace when we receive this sacrament. In the Holy Eucharist, we are intimately encountering Chris through the consumption of his body and blood. In this way, we actually acquire Christ into our bodies, which is the closet we can get to him. Consuming the Eucharist also strengthens us because in it Jesus himself, the word made flesh, forgives us of our sins and helps us resist the temptation to sin. Every time we do this we are one step closer to eternal life with God the Father in Heaven.

Holy Communion is not just as simple as eating Jesus' body and blood, it takes much preparation before hand. First, you must be in a state of grace and meditation. If we feel we are unworthy of accepting the Eucharist yet we still do, it is wrong. Second, we must have participated in confession after our last mortal sin. This cleans the slate of our soul which allows Jesus to act fully within us. Third, we must believe in the doctrine of transubstantiation. Transubstantiation means more than the Real Presence. Fourth, we must observe the Eucharistic fast, meaning no consumption of any other food or drink 1 hour prior to receiving the Eucharist.  Finally, one must not be under an ecclesiastic censure. As you can see it takes much preparation to receive the Eucharist. Therefore, not just anyone can consume the body and blood of Jesus Christ, we must be worthy of it.

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